My beautiful sisters, Maci & Jena
Now I've learned over the years, any and every little thing my mom says is packed with wisdom and advice. I've never met another woman like my mom! (just hold on because I love to brag on this incredible lady.)
My mom receiving the Woman of Distinction Award for 2014 for the Columbus and surrounding areas.
We like to refer to her as Superwoman in our family. She is the hardest working woman I have ever met. After high school and into her first year of college, she paid her way through college by flipping burgers at Burger King. While being a math major (anyone who is a math major, my hat is off to you--I hate math!) and finishing her bachelors in 3 years, she began working at Columbus Bank and Trust (CB&T) and quickly climbed the ladder due to her ability and relentless hard work. Starting from the bottom of being a teller, after 30 years of never taking short cuts and daily offering her very best, she now holds an executive position, running all consumer lending for all Synovus banks in the United States. Now, I do not want to by pass or cut down her professional role and what an incredible leader she is in our community, but there are some things she has accomplished that hold higher importance in my life.
My wonderful family; always having fun together!
Yes, her and my father have worked very hard to provide the best life for my sisters and I, and I couldn't be more grateful for that...but what leaves it's mark on me more than anything else is her love for the Lord and her life that is totally submitted to His will and calling. Not only does she hold a full time job, demanding countless hours of her time, but she is a full time partner in ministry with my father serving in children's ministry and manages to be the very best mother to 3 girls. She is constantly encouraging, loving and pushing us to be the very best we can. She has taught us that our identity is found in Jesus Christ and no one else. She taught us the importance of praying for a godly man to enter your life and has lived out what a godly wife looks like in front of us. I remember evenings being in my bed and seeing a light on in the living room, only to find my mother deep in the Word of God, praying and seeking Him. Those are the things that have left the deepest impression on my life & what I want to model my life after. As I stated before, [she's superwoman] every word out of her mouth is filled with wisdom and advice that I gladly take in whenever I get the chance.
Now that I've introduced you to Superwoman, let's get back to what spoke to me a little while back. She made a simple statement about how your children are more like us than we think. This was her statement:
"You know, I was thinking the other're not born with habits; you form them over your lifetime. I developed the habit of bitting my nails and now all my girls do the same. No one ever taught them to bite their nails, but they watched me for countless years and began for themselves."Profound? Probably not...or not yet. She didn't know it at the time, but that analogy began to sink in and truly made me think about my life. Ephesians 5:1-2 says, "Imitate God, since you are the children he loves. Live in love as Christ also loved us. He gave His life for us as an offering and sacrifice, a soothing aroma to God." My mom was right; no one ever sat us (my sisters & I) down and taught us how to bite our nails. We picked up that habit from watching her over the years. As a new step parent and preparing to have children of my own, I have since wondered, what habits am I displaying for Bryson and what habits will my children pick up on from the life I live before them? My prayer is they will see me in prayer every morning, spending time in God's word on a daily basis, using my gifts, talents and resources for His glory. I began to think about the importance of the life we lead in front of our children and even the people around us. What habits are they picking up from our life? Are they seeing the hypocrisy of being in church on Sunday but living for this world Monday-Saturday, or are they seeing a life in complete and total surrender to Him; a life of thanksgiving and honor to the King of Kings?
Let's take it a step further: I can remember my grandmother, both of them actually, (side note: today marks 1 year that my sweet Grandma went to be with Jesus) constantly telling my sisters and I "stop bitting those nails!"
My Grams & I My Grandma (passed away 9.26.13)
They hated the habit and truth did I! But, that was the problem: it was a habit. One I had done my entire life and now breaking it was nearly impossible! Now I will say, for my wedding, I grew out my nails...and here's proof below! I was quite proud...but, right after I got married, I had finals the next week, meaning I got nervous and off went the nails!
My real nails!
But, what happens when we apply this concept to life? What happens when our children, or those around us, or those we are serving in leadership over begin to watch our habits, create their own and those habits cause harm and pull them away from the Lord? What happens when our children watch week in and week out as we attend church on Sunday, but never again acknowledge the Lord until the following Sunday rolls around? Habits rub off on others...especially our children who love and admire us.
I looked up the meaning of "habit" on Merriam Webster and found the definition to be eye opening.
[Habit: an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.]Involuntary was the word that jumped out at me.
[Involuntary: done contrary to or without choice; compulsory; not subject to control of the will; reflex.]If things we are doing or words we are saying are setting an example for our children, an example that could turn into a habit for them, a habit that is potentially not subject to control of their will...don't we want those habits to be godly? My prayer is that the things I do on a daily basis, the words out of my mouth and the motives of my heart would lead Bryson and my own children to Christ!
All my love~ Chelsea
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
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