Tuesday, October 20, 2015

{the better comes after the worse: year 2}

Holy moly- I cannot believe our 2 year anniversary is coming up in just 20 days! As I begin to wrap my mind around all the memories, trials, joys & tears these past 2 years have held, I couldn't help but smile. As I sit in our bed, listening to Bryant snore, watching "Fixer Upper" on my tv (I am absolutely addicted to HGTV) & trying to take advantage of the few hours I have to blog before Parker wakes up for his next feeding, I remember where we came from...which makes me all the more thankful for where we are now. 

[These pictures pretty much sum up our eventful year. We fought for more time with Bryson (& won), welcomed our sweet Parker James into our family, built our dream home in the county I grew up in and now where the boys will be able to grow up (the perfect amount of country & class, where everybody knows each other, looks out for each other & yells "Go Tigers" on Friday nights during the fall & where I'm convinced is God's favorite place- Harris County), all while falling in love all over again. It's been a wonderful year!]

Year 2 has taught me a number of things...the [1st] being this: Marriage itself does not guarantee you will be together forever...SAY WHAT?!...It's true! That part is only paper. Love, respect, trust, understanding, a deep friendship and faith in Jesus Christ is what makes it last. It becomes more than paper when you pour in the love when he is unlovable; the respect when you highly disagree with him; the trust when your past experiences cautions you not to; understanding when an argument has continued for hours; a friendship when he's on your very last nerves; and faith in the Lord when you've just cried your last tear. It becomes a marriage when you've endured the storms & came out stronger in the end; when your roots have become deeper as the winds blew harder. 

[No. 2] #teamdavis- If you follow me on insta, you know that #teamdavis is a frequent hashtag I use. Besides loving the cute tag & keeping up with our everyday adventures over the years with the boys, it's a very true statement...one that I take very seriously! Over this year, I've learned even more of the importance of being on my husband's team. There are a million&1 things that can divide us: schedules, parenting, the ex, jobs, money, ministry, a blended family (and the dynamics it brings), friendships, extended family and the list could go on & on. But, at the end of everyday, the words I promised to Bryant on November 9, 2013 trumps every single one of those things, every single time! #teamdavis is always the best choice. 

[thethird]thing I've taken away from the 2nd year of marriage is something I'm still working on. I have, by nature (thanks mom & dad), a go-getter attitude about everything...and my schedule reflects it. If I want something to happen, I don't sit around waiting or hoping someone will do it for me. I am the first one there & usually the last to leave. I give everything I have to everything I do- and I wouldn't have it any other way. (After only a week and a half postpartum, I was at Bryson's school helping his teacher with things in the classroom & back up at the church working, only because I was going CRAZY at home!) However, as with most things, there's a down side to it. EXHAUSTION! And as good as my hubby loves me, he does not deserve what's "left over" at the end of the day. He deserves my best. This is why we schedule date nights at least once a month, sometimes more if we can sneak in another day. The kids stay with my parents or sisters, we get "all done up" & spend time focusing on each other. I love Bryson & Parker with everything within me...but, I also want Bryant to know that I love him just as much! 

[FOURTH] I am very thankful for a praying husband. I am thankful for a husband who leads our family boldly. I am thankful for a husband who serves me humbly. I am thankful for a husband who loves me graciously. I am thankful for a husband who cherishes me deeply. I am very thankful for my husband. 

[#5]  If you don't fight, something is seriously wrong. I think A. P. Herbert said it best in stating, "The concept of two people living together for 25 years without serious dispute suggests a lack in spirit only to be admired in sheep." Love really is all that it's cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for & risking everything for! Loving hard & pushing through the hard times is WORTH IT ALL! 

This year has had it's challenges. From an exhausting court case to an exhausting labor, both ending with two precious boys whom I love dearly, I have learned the better comes after the worse. This past year has been hard, but it has ended with the best! I'm excited to spend the holidays in our dream home with both boys. I can't wait to see what all the Lord has planned for next year. Regardless of what our future holds, as long as I have his arms around me, I can take on anything this life throws my way! Bryant Reid, thank you for loving me so well. Thank you for another incredible year of marriage and life together. It is an honor to be your wife! 

Fun fact: Every year, Bryant & I go somewhere we've never been for our anniversary trip. This year we're going to Charleston, SC. We have lots of surprises planned for that weekend. I can't wait!!!  

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