Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I love you because...

With Valentine's Day coming up this weekend, it has me thinking about my hubby & all the reasons I love him. We never really celebrate Valentine's Day...not because we're against it, but more because, as cliche as it sounds, everyday is a "Valentine's Day" for us. We love finding different ways to show our love to each other. Valentine's Day has always been focused on Bryson & now both boys. (This year, we're having a Valentine's Day party for Bryson at our house Sunday evening with all his friends. They get to dress up all fancy, eat a nice dinner & have fun at our house. I'm super excited!) 

So, even though we don't really do much to celebrate the "love" holiday, I still think my husband is the absolute greatest & I want to brag on him more. So with that being said...

I love you because...
[ 10 of the many reasons I love you, Bryant Reid ]

1. I love you because your eyes are set on Jesus. They're focused on eternal things; things that matter and you're constantly reminding me to keep that kingdom mindset when my eyes get distracted on temporary things. By loving Jesus more, you love me better. 
2. I love you because your face ALWAYS gives you away. Bryant & I have an ongoing prank. Somehow we got a plastic roach & are constantly putting it in places to try & scare each other. I've put in under the sheets on his side of the bed, so when he pulls the covers back at night, he about jumps out of his clothes. I've put it in the drawer on his side of the bathroom where his floss & toothpaste is (if you know Bryant, you know how obsessed his is with clean teeth & is constantly flossing & brushing). But, tonight was by far the best one yet! I put the roach in his yeti cup that he drinks water out of all day. Tonight at dinner, he went to take a sip & about had a heart attack! I laughed so hard!! Naturally, he needed his revenge. He tried putting it in the cookie dough package...didn't scare me. Then he tried putting it in my mashed potatoes. When I got back to the table, I didn't even have to look for it. The smirk on his face gave it all way. He can never lie (which is a good thing)...he does this weird thing with his lips & I instantly know he's pulling my leg or not telling the truth. Sorry babe, but your face always gives it away! 
3. I love you because you are such a phenomenal daddy to Bryson & Parker. I remember when we first started dating, one of the things that was so different about you, in comparison to all the other guys I had dated was, your life didn't just stop for me. Not that I expected it to, but before, I dated guys who smothered me with flowers every day, (don't get me wrong, I love flowers...but getting them every single stinkin' day...eventually it got old) had a white mocha waiting for me every day (again...I love coffee, but if the surprises happen every single day, they kinda lose their "surprise" effect) and they were with me 24/7. Your top priority was Bryson. You cancelled plans with me so that you could be with Bryson. You worked your schedule around Bryson. If Bryson was with you, Bryson went on our dates (those were some of my favorite times). Why? Because you're an incredible father. Plans being cancelled or changed because of Bryson was never an inconvenience to me; it showed me what an incredible father you were & would be to our kids. It's one of the biggest things that made me so crazy about you. Your boys mean everything to you & it's evident in everything you do. Every action is weighed out with your family in mind. You know that you have little eyes & ears watching & listening. You know that by walking in integrity, truth & love, you're making an eternal impact on their lives...and oh how thankful I am for the father you are! 
4. I love you because your laugh brings me so much joy! (If you've been around Bryant very long, you know he's famous for his laugh.) The first time my dad ever heard him laugh, we were on a family beach trip & we had just gotten to the beach & had made the normal Walmart run to stock up for the week. Something made Bryant laugh & he got on one of his laughing kicks. My dad (who is probably one of the most quiet, introverted people I know) got so embarrassed by it that he made Bryant stay on a different aisle away from him until he could contain himself. Since then, dad has grown to love it & it doesn't bother him near as much anymore. But, just to hear that laugh, it makes my heart full...knowing that you're happy & enjoying this beautiful life we've built together. 
5. I love you because you know exactly what to do to calm me down. Even when I'm so mad that I don't even want to talk anymore, you give me that look, stretch those arms out & say your goofy line of "bring it in", as if you're talking to your teammates on your football team or something...and, although I wouldn't dare admit it at the time, I melt inside every time & don't even remember why I'm mad anymore. (This is the only time you'll hear me admit that, so soak it up while you can, babe!) 
6. I love you because you work so incredibly hard for your family, never once complaining or looking for accolades & attention. It doesn't go unnoticed the countless days you head to work in the early hours of the morning so you can get off early, use your lunch break to get your gym workout in, come home to us, only to help with dinner, homework, changing diapers, feeding the baby & of course work on the never ending honey-do list. I've watched you continue to climb the ladder within the corporate world, develop as a leader & step out of your comfort zone. Day after day, you are constantly pushing forward & becoming stronger in your role as a man of God, husband, father, son, leader & employee. I see the sacrifices you make & although I don't tell you nearly enough, I love & appreciate you more than you'll ever know. I couldn't ask for a better man to lead our family & do life with. 
7. I love you because on Saturday mornings when Parker wakes up early, you'll wake up with Park, shut our bedroom door, take the boys down & let me sleep. You don't have to do that. You could easily say it's my turn to get up & roll back over & go to sleep, but you don't. Because you love me...or maybe it's because the bags underneath my eyes have gotten so dark that you're starting to notice...either way, I'm thankful! :) 

8. I love you because you can play ANYTHING! You blow me away at your skill level & ability to pick up any instrument and play. (He now plays the drums, trumpet, guitar, bass & piano...oh, and I don't know if you've ever heard, but the man can SING too!) You're amazing, babe! 

9. I love you because I am constantly learning so much from you. Everything from pointless, random knowledge that most people would never know, to the Word of God; you're constantly teaching me something. I'm amazed at how much that brain of yours can hold! 

10. I love you because you're my quiet place. After a long, crazy, chaotic day, you remind me what's truly important, correct when I'm out of place & hold me when I'm broken. I can be myself when I'm with you & I know that when you look at me, you always see the best. You have my best interest at heart, you love me & you pray for me. Your faith is some of the strongest I've ever seen & we face life's battles together, side by side, hand in hand...even if that means hand in hand as we crawl in bed at 12am, after a long day,
giving you a kiss on the cheek & then crashing...I'm with you...and that's what matter to me. 

I could go on & on about why I love you. I guess what it all boils down to is, your love reflects our heavenly Father's love. You love selflessly. Humbly. Purely. You support my dreams & love me when I'm most unlovable. I don't give you near enough credit or appreciation. I love you because you're you...and I'm very thankful that you are mine. 

Love you till my last breath ~Chels

Saturday, January 30, 2016

the rocks

I'm supposed to be working. Tomorrow is our last "push day", as we call it, for our 2016 spring semester Life Groups, which launch next Sunday and I have a thousand things to do for tomorrow and to get everyone ready for the launch. I have our website that needs to be updated for next week (web designing ain't no joke & sucks up all your time), I have laundry that needs to be folded, boys that want all my attention (I can assure you I'm not complaining one second about that one), I have to get to the grocery store some time today, bathrooms that need to be cleaned & my Paw's 80th birthday party to get ready for tomorrow after church at our house...and that's just part of my to-do list for today. We spent the morning at the ice rink watching Bryson's hockey game (he's getting so good) and he has a friend coming over tonight for a sleepover, which means I have till about 6pm to get everything I need to do finished before it's playing hide-and-go-seek, nerf gun wars, jumping on the trampoline & taking bike rides around the neighborhood for me! 

 Hockey today with the Davis boys :) 

But in the midst of it all, I was sitting outside working, the wind blowing through the trees, the sun shining down making it not too hot, but not too cold, the Lord reminded me of something I desperately needed to hear. I'm glad I wasn't "too busy" to stop & listen. 

This is my get-a-way today...sitting outside on the back porch in this perfect weather with my coffee & computer. 

My mother in law, one of my most favorite people on this entire planet, shared a link on my wall. Usually if I'm right in the middle of something, I won't check my notifications, but I happened to open this one up and began watching the video. It's called the The Invisible Woman. I encourage all women to watch it, especially mothers. 

It speaks to the women who feel like their children and husbands don't see all that they're doing; all the sacrifices that are being made for their sake...and it reminds us that GOD SEES. The lady who is speaking makes a statement towards the end of the video about building a monument to the Lord. The minute she said it, my mind went to the book of Joshua. A few weeks back our pastor preached out of Joshua about being ALL IN (our theme for 2016 at River of Life). He made a statement that had me thinking all afternoon; he said, "sometimes I do wonder why God doesn't just build the bridge for us." He was referring to when Joshua was leading the nation of Israel to cross the Jordan River. 

If you read Joshua chapter 3, it's easy to stop at the miracle: the Lord cut off the water of the Jordan River so the nation of Israel could cross onto dry land...and I am by no means undermining that miracle. Just like with everything else He does, the Lord gets all the glory! But, over the past few weeks, the Lord continued to draw me back to the next chapter (Joshua 4)...and not just for the obvious, but to take a closer look at the details of the first part of the chapter.

The Lord instructed Joshua to choose 12 men (one from each of the 12 tribes) to pick up a stone from the middle of the Jordan and carry it to where they would camp that night. When we think stone, we think of small river stones that can fit in our pockets or can easily be held in our hand, but that's not what these men carried. If you go back and read verse 5, it says "...each man must take a stone on his shoulder..." They had to be pretty large stones if the men had to carry them on their shoulder. After reading the verse, the Lord pointed out a few things to me. 

1. The Lord instructed Joshua to hand pick 12 men. It must've been considered quite the honor to be hand picked to represent your tribe and carry those stones. I once heard it said, "the Lord gives the biggest battles to His strongest soldiers." If you feel like you're carrying a heavy load, know that number one, God sees and number two, He knows you can handle it because He knows your strength comes from Him. It's an honor to carry those heavy loads. 

2. I think the first few times, actually every time I've read over this story, I pass off the stones like they're nothing...just a couple of rocks that were carried a little ways. But that's not the case. Number one, they had a purpose (I'll talk more about that later) & number two, they were heavy. Really heavy...and those guys carried them from the center of the Jordan River till the next place they camped...which must've been quite a trek. Can you imagine carrying those stones on your shoulder or back for miles...all day long...in the hot sun...trying to keep up with everyone else? It wasn't easy. They were heavy...heavy burdens. But, the burden they were carrying in the process paled in comparison to the glory they would bring the Lord once they reached their destination...and there's the parallel. The burdens you carry right now, the trails you face & obstacles you are constantly fighting, they all pale in comparison to the glory the Lord will receive when you make it to that finish line, overcome that obstacle, beat that sickness or hear "Well done my good and faithful servant." 

3. The stones had a purpose. It wasn't just to weigh those 12 men down and make it nearly impossible for them to reach their destination. It wasn't to make them suffer or cause them pain. It was to build a monument. A memorial to the Lord, in remembrance of all HE had done for them. 
"He said to the people of Israel, 'In the future when children ask their parents, "What do these stones mean?" the children should be told that Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. The Lord your God dried up the Jordan ahead of you until you had crossed, as he did to the Red Sea until we had crossed. The Lord did this so that everyone in the world would know His mighty power and that you would fear the Lord your God every day of your life.' " Joshua 4:21-24 
Your struggles have a purpose. As I look back on this past year, I see the Lord's hand through every dark valley. Never once did we ever walk alone...and the larger the stones, hurdles, struggles, hard times...the bigger the monument my life is to the Lord. The harder times I endure, the more I'm able to point back to Christ. See, that's what trips up the people who are against you & that's what catches satan off guard. What they don't understand is, the more struggles they throw your way, the more you rely on Christ & are able to point back to Him. It's only through Him you're able to stand...because it's not you standing...its Him holding you up. The more you endure, the more of a testimony you have of what Christ has done in your life. 

4. And finally...He sees. He sees every tear and every hurt. He sees every night you stayed up till 2am baking for that birthday party or the days that you spend your one off day cleaning the house top to bottom and doing all the laundry. He sees the length of the to-do list that you put down in order to read stories to your kids at night before bed or the lunches that you skipped in order to get home early to them. He sees the mornings you decide to finally look decent, take the time to put make up on & a "cute" outfit for it only to be ruined by spit up or juice from the dinner you threw in the crockpot before rushing out the door. He sees those subtle cries of your heart that want someone to notice all the hard work you put into your family. He sees those times you bite your tongue when your child takes the one last piece of gum that you really wanted or when your husband eats the last scoop of ice cream that you were looking forward to tonight after the kids were in bed. He sees those mornings and nights spent in prayer covering your family, praying your kids will run into the destiny the Lord has for them. He sees those cries of your heart & those dreams that seem to be sitting on the shelf collecting dust. He sees it all...and He knows the larger the stones, the bigger the memorial that will reflect His glory. And you know what, even if no one else sees it, Him seeing it...that's enough. Because you don't do all those things for the glory of others, your husband or even your kids. 
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through Him." Colossians 3:17
I'm glad the Lord doesn't just build those bridges for us. I'm glad I have rocks to carry. I'm thankful that 5, 10, 20 years down the road, I'll be able to look back and show Bryson and Parker and our other 2 kids (yes, I want 4 kids) and our grandkids about the faithfulness of Christ throughout our life and marriage. I'm thankful the Lord entrusted these rocks to me.

So, to all you tired mamas out there...use your rocks...and build a beautiful monument to the Lord. One that will last the test of time. One that will allow your kids to spend eternity with you and our maker. A memorial that took blood, sweat and many, many tears. Because in the end, carrying those rocks will prove to be more than worth it! 

All my love~

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

{the better comes after the worse: year 2}

Holy moly- I cannot believe our 2 year anniversary is coming up in just 20 days! As I begin to wrap my mind around all the memories, trials, joys & tears these past 2 years have held, I couldn't help but smile. As I sit in our bed, listening to Bryant snore, watching "Fixer Upper" on my tv (I am absolutely addicted to HGTV) & trying to take advantage of the few hours I have to blog before Parker wakes up for his next feeding, I remember where we came from...which makes me all the more thankful for where we are now. 

[These pictures pretty much sum up our eventful year. We fought for more time with Bryson (& won), welcomed our sweet Parker James into our family, built our dream home in the county I grew up in and now where the boys will be able to grow up (the perfect amount of country & class, where everybody knows each other, looks out for each other & yells "Go Tigers" on Friday nights during the fall & where I'm convinced is God's favorite place- Harris County), all while falling in love all over again. It's been a wonderful year!]

Year 2 has taught me a number of things...the [1st] being this: Marriage itself does not guarantee you will be together forever...SAY WHAT?!...It's true! That part is only paper. Love, respect, trust, understanding, a deep friendship and faith in Jesus Christ is what makes it last. It becomes more than paper when you pour in the love when he is unlovable; the respect when you highly disagree with him; the trust when your past experiences cautions you not to; understanding when an argument has continued for hours; a friendship when he's on your very last nerves; and faith in the Lord when you've just cried your last tear. It becomes a marriage when you've endured the storms & came out stronger in the end; when your roots have become deeper as the winds blew harder. 

[No. 2] #teamdavis- If you follow me on insta, you know that #teamdavis is a frequent hashtag I use. Besides loving the cute tag & keeping up with our everyday adventures over the years with the boys, it's a very true statement...one that I take very seriously! Over this year, I've learned even more of the importance of being on my husband's team. There are a million&1 things that can divide us: schedules, parenting, the ex, jobs, money, ministry, a blended family (and the dynamics it brings), friendships, extended family and the list could go on & on. But, at the end of everyday, the words I promised to Bryant on November 9, 2013 trumps every single one of those things, every single time! #teamdavis is always the best choice. 

[thethird]thing I've taken away from the 2nd year of marriage is something I'm still working on. I have, by nature (thanks mom & dad), a go-getter attitude about everything...and my schedule reflects it. If I want something to happen, I don't sit around waiting or hoping someone will do it for me. I am the first one there & usually the last to leave. I give everything I have to everything I do- and I wouldn't have it any other way. (After only a week and a half postpartum, I was at Bryson's school helping his teacher with things in the classroom & back up at the church working, only because I was going CRAZY at home!) However, as with most things, there's a down side to it. EXHAUSTION! And as good as my hubby loves me, he does not deserve what's "left over" at the end of the day. He deserves my best. This is why we schedule date nights at least once a month, sometimes more if we can sneak in another day. The kids stay with my parents or sisters, we get "all done up" & spend time focusing on each other. I love Bryson & Parker with everything within me...but, I also want Bryant to know that I love him just as much! 

[FOURTH] I am very thankful for a praying husband. I am thankful for a husband who leads our family boldly. I am thankful for a husband who serves me humbly. I am thankful for a husband who loves me graciously. I am thankful for a husband who cherishes me deeply. I am very thankful for my husband. 

[#5]  If you don't fight, something is seriously wrong. I think A. P. Herbert said it best in stating, "The concept of two people living together for 25 years without serious dispute suggests a lack in spirit only to be admired in sheep." Love really is all that it's cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for & risking everything for! Loving hard & pushing through the hard times is WORTH IT ALL! 

This year has had it's challenges. From an exhausting court case to an exhausting labor, both ending with two precious boys whom I love dearly, I have learned the better comes after the worse. This past year has been hard, but it has ended with the best! I'm excited to spend the holidays in our dream home with both boys. I can't wait to see what all the Lord has planned for next year. Regardless of what our future holds, as long as I have his arms around me, I can take on anything this life throws my way! Bryant Reid, thank you for loving me so well. Thank you for another incredible year of marriage and life together. It is an honor to be your wife! 

Fun fact: Every year, Bryant & I go somewhere we've never been for our anniversary trip. This year we're going to Charleston, SC. We have lots of surprises planned for that weekend. I can't wait!!!  

Friday, September 25, 2015

| this new adventure called mommy |

Oh the laughs and memories that have been packed into these last two months. Monday, sweet Parker James will be 2 months old and I think I've learned more in that short time than all 4 years in school getting my bachelors! Some of these lessons are funny, others are more serious, but regardless, I hope you enjoy this reflection of our adventure thus far :) 

Mr. Sunshine himself

1. It all finally makes sense! I'm sure this is a familiar line to most people- as my parents were spanking me, they would always stop before they gave me that spanking to say, "this hurts me more than it hurts you." REALLY?!? I remember thinking, number one, there's absolutely no way that's possible considering you're using a belt and I'm taking it on my bare behind (by the way, I am VERY thankful that my parents believed in biblical discipline. "Those who spare the rod of discipline hates their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them. Proverbs 13:24") and number two, why are you going to prolong the process by giving me a speech that made no sense at all? But now, now that I'm older, (and maybe a bit wiser) it makes perfect sense. Although Parker is not old enough to get spankings, he does have hurts. And those hurts bring pain to me way more than him. When the gas builds up in his little tummy and he begins to cry, I want to cry with him. I want to take the pain away, protecting him always from any type of harm. I believe it'll always be that way...it's not always going to be gas pains; eventually it will be his first goose egg on his head from falling down as he takes his first steps, or his first set of stitches from doing something that I more than likely will tell him 100 times NOT to do. Then, it'll be the pain caused by his first heartbreak from his first love or when someone he holds dear lets him down or passes away. Regardless of the pain, how it comes or when it comes, it'll always hurt me more than him & I'll always wish I could take it for him! I now know that's just part of this new adventure called mommy. 

2. Im convinced: your body really doesn't require sleep! Seriously!! It's amazing how I've been able to just "keep going" even without the sleep that I'm so used to. By the time I nurse Parker, clean up from dinner or whatever went on that evening, take shower/bubble bath (which is an absolute necessity for me to relax at night), then pump so we have milk for throughout the night if Bryant wakes up with him & then finally make it to bed, I always think to myself "I'm going to be dead tomorrow!" But, nope! Somehow, my body just keeps going...and for that I am very thankful! [Side note- We were blessed with such an easy going, sweet spirited child. He hardly ever cries, he smiles and "talks" to us all the time & is hardly ever unhappy. I'm struggling with sleep with a near perfect child...I don't see how the people whose babies scream all day & night make it. God knew exactly what I needed!] But this is just another piece of this new adventure called mommy. 

3. As the holidays approach, now that Parker is with us, they've only become that much sweeter. Holidays have always been extra special with Bryson with us, but now with both boys, I get so excited! To watch them grow over the years, sharing holiday traditions & making memories is the most rewarding experience! Their happiness and the joy on their faces FAR outweighs anything I could receive during the holiday season...which is just another perk of this new adventure called mommy. 

4. Isn't it mind blowing how before kids, an hour was PLENTY of time to get ready; now, I can start getting ready 2 hours before and somehow, something is always going to come up. Parker is going to shoot pee all over the place while I'm changing his diaper or he's going to want to nurse right as I'm loading up the car, and somehow, those 2 hours quickly vanish! As time seems to be scarce nowadays, my greasy, three-days-without-washing hair doesn't look as bad as I thought it did...nothing a little dry shampoo, blow dry and hair spray can't spruce up :) I've also learned that spit up makes the cutest accessory...NOT! But, I'm used to wearing it...and wearing it with pride at that! It's more of a trophy rather than an inconvenience. A trophy that says, "I just began this new adventure called mommy & I'm loving every single second of it!" 

5. I know there's no way for us to ever comprehend the love that our heavenly father has for us, but I truly believe we get a glimpse of how much He loves us when we love our own children. It's a big, BIG love. One that cannot be described nor matched. The minute Parker entered this world, I understood a little bit more how much my God loves me- it's an everlasting, unconditional love and one of the best parts of this new adventure called mommy. 

6. As we were preparing for Parker's arrival, and even before I was ever pregnant, people would try to lecture me on how different it was going to be with Bryson once I had "kids of my own." I appreciate and love those people, and I know for certain their intentions were pure and hearts were right, but every time I heard that phrase, "you'll understand when you have kids of your own", my stomach turned. I didn't want anything to change between Bryson and I...and I certainly didn't see things in that light! Although I am not Bryson's biological mother, he's not my flesh and blood, he didn't grow inside of me for 9 months, I see him and Parker the same. I love them both with an everlasting, unconditional love that will not waiver or faint no matter what happens, where he goes or what he does! I now have a child of my own and I still don't "understand." I don't understand why anyone would ever want Bryson to feel any different or less important than Parker. I never want him to feel a difference at our house. He's ours, just like Parker is and I love them both more than they'll ever know...just another amazing part of this new adventure called mommy. 

Bryso & Park on Parker's dedication day.

7. I'm pretty sure shoulder surgery is in my near future. Not really, but it's very likely that it could be a possibility with the amount of times I reach back over the seat to put Parker's paci back in his mouth when he starts getting fussy. One day last week, Park was having a rough day. He normally doesn't cry, so when he does, you know something is really wrong. From the time I left veterans parkway starbucks to the time I got to work (the church I am on staff at is in Hamilton, GA, about a 20 minute drive from Columbus) he screamed anytime my hand was not on his face or finger in his mouth. I tried giving him his paci and it was instantly spit out. He had to feel that I was close to him or he started screaming. As numb as my arm was by the time we got to the church & as frazzled as my nerves were due to trying to keep my hand back on his cheek, while not looking like a maniac driving up 27, I can't say that I minded one bit. Because one day, he's going to be too cool for his mama's touch, too busy for long drives & too macho to need me. So as for now, I'll count the numb arm, frazzled nerves & cry that says he still needs me as another blessing on this new adventure called mommy. 

[If you don't have a home church, I dare you to give ours a try. It's pretty stinking incredible!! Check us out here]

8. Isn't it funny how some of the most influential, famous & brilliant people can talk all day long and, for me at least, it can go in one ear and out the other, but someone who has barely been alive for 2 months can make sounds and babbles that have absolutely no meaning, but yet those are the babbles and sounds that mean this world to you? I've had to go through and delete tons of old pictures on my phone just to free up space for videos of my sweet Parker "talking" to us...and oh how I melt inside when he does. Just another reason I love this new adventure called mommy. 

Time is a thief and before I know it, this new adventure called mommy will consist of running from baseball field to soccer practice to washing smelly uniforms to worship band practice to cooking dinner for boys that I will never be able to fill up. Things will look much different than they do now. I'll be up worrying about the boys on Friday nights instead of holding them in my lap snuggling while watching cartoons (that's what our night looks like tonight). Regardless of where this journey takes me, I couldn't be more honored, humbled & flat out excited about this new adventure called mommy. 

All my love~ Chelsea 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Time is Fleeting

{Time moves slowly, but passes quickly}

As I was out running errands today with my little man, I started thinking about how much Parker has changed already and how quickly time passes. Time is free, but those moments in time are priceless. It's not something you can own, but you can use it to create those precious memories with the ones you love most. There's no way for you to keep time, but you can spend it...spend it with those closest to your heart. But, once you've lost time, there's absolutely no way to get it back. 

A few days ago, Bryant told me about a comment that was made to him while he was holding Bryson. As he was helping Bryson into the car, someone said, "um...he can walk" (in that negative, condescending tone) and went on to tell Bryson that his dad was an idiot. After sort of laughing to myself at the immaturity of it, I began to ask myself, "how miserable can some people be?" Common sense tells anyone that of course he can walk! He's almost 7 years old. Of course he is capable of walking to the car on his own. Just like he can go to bed by himself at night, tie his shoes, fix his own food, run his bath at night and the list could go on and on. But, as parents, why wouldn't you want them to still need you. One of the sweetest things I see during the day is Bryson running up to his daddy, leaping into his arms, wanting him to hold him. [There's something about being in your daddy's arms. There's nothing like it!] As parents, you want to cherish every minute of the time you have while they're young; when they're still running into your arms after a long day of school, jumping up and down when they see your car in the car rider line, smiling from ear to ear when you walk into the house from work, sleeping peacefully in your arms. When they still need you to tie their shoes, hold them as they get into the car, run a bubble bath for them and stay in the bathroom to play superheroes with them. Of course he can do things by himself, like walking to the car, but...time goes by too fast.

If there's anything I want for Bryson and Parker in this life, outside of them coming to know, love and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, it's to create an environment of love, security, sweet memories and for them to always know that Bryant and I are going to be there for them no matter what, regardless of the age they are. 

When Bryant and I started dating, Bryson was only 2 years old. This December we will celebrate his 7th birthday! I've always heard parents say, "time passes too quickly", and although it has seemed that time continued to get faster as I became older, I've never truly understood the weight of that statement until I become a parent. 

 {The very first pictures Bryson & I ever took over 4 1/2 year ago. Look how little he was!!}

We've spent years at the ball fields (and will have many more to come with both boys). We've cheered for the Mudcats, Blue Bombers, Phillies & Marlins. 

 {Mudcats: 2012}
 {Blue Bombers: 2013}
 {Phillies: 2014}
{Marlins: 2015}

We've celebrated all life's big events together, such as our engagement, buying our 1st house as a family, promising forever to these two precious boys & the birth of Bryson's little brother, Parker James Davis. 
 {Engagement pictures}
 {The first few days in our new house}
 {Our wedding day: 11.9.13}
 {Bryson & Parker meeting for the first time}
{Parker James Davis 7.28.15}

We've made some of the best memories celebrating birthdays. Every year I look forward to throwing Bryson the birthday party of his choice. I can't believe it's time to start planning his 7th birthday! This year he has requested a science party and he wants his very own chemistry set...not sure where it came from, but I can't wait to start making everything! 

 {Bryson's 4th birthday}
 {Bryson's 5th birthday}
{Bryson's 6th birthday}

This year will mark our 5th Christmas together as a family! I am so excited about this year, having both boys with us is going to make for the most wonderful holiday season! 

 {Christmas 2011}
 {Christmas 2012}
 {Christmas 2013}
{Christmas 2014} 

And finally, we've walked through many firsts together throughout the years as a family. We've walked into the first days of school, caught our first fish together, went to Disney World for the first time for the boys (and will be going back for Bryson's Spring Break this year and for Parker's first time), went to the boy's first Braves game, watched Bryson lose his first tooth and many, many more!  
 {1st day of Kindergarten} 
 {1st day of 1st grade}
 {Bryson's 1st fish}
 {1st trip to Disney World}
 {1st Braves game}
{1st tooth to come out}

Time goes by faster than I'd like it to. It seems like we've been home from the hospital for only a few days with Parker, but our little man is almost 1 month old! 

Time literally slips through my fingers. I remember my mom would always give new mothers, as well as myself, this advice as they prepared for their new little bundles of joy: 

{Remember what's important. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if the house is spotless, if the laundry is done, or the dishes are clean. What matters most is the time you spent with your kids, the memories you made & the love you poured into them. The house, laundry and dishes will still be there; your kids grow up too fast!}

I wish they could stay little forever, but we all know that can't happen. They have a destiny to step into; a purpose and calling the Lord placed on their lives they must fulfill. I pray Bryson always wants his daddy to hold him. Maybe not literally as he gets older (and taller), but hold him up in prayer during down times; in encouragement during hard times; in support during good times. I hope he never gets too old to ask for me to scratch his back as he goes to sleep at night or start jumping up and down when he sees our car in the car rider line after a long day of school. I hope Parker always keeps that sparkle in his eyes (we call him "bright eyes" because of how alert and awake he has been since day 1). I hope he keeps that precious smile on his face, always choosing joy throughout life. 

To all my mama friends out there, here's my challenge to you (and to myself as well): cherish every moment with your babies while they're young. Don't wish the time away. Hold on to the times they still let you carry them, rock them to sleep, scratch their backs, or even just sit down and tell you about their days. Before you know it, you'll be watching them walk across the stage at graduation or packing up their cars for college. Time is fleeting. 

~ All my love, 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Great is Thy faithfulness

(I have tried to finish and post this blog post for quite a few days now, but I happen to have the cutest little boy at my house and I can't seem to get enough of him! I want to spend all my time loving on him!) 
 Our sweet Parker James Davis

A few months back I shared the story behind our pregnancy and how the Lord cares for even the smallest details within our life. Well, if He cares for those small details that seem to go unnoticed by others, He most definitely cares about those life changing moments, when the world stands still and everything else falls away...much like the birth of our sweet Parker James Davis.

| Great is Thy Faithfulness |

Let's start back from the top...

From the beginning, the hand of God has been on this little boy's life. From the timing of finding out we were pregnant after months of discouragement, to the smallest of details, such as being able to surprise my family for Christmas (something I've always wanted to do) and being able to tell Bryson on his birthday that he was going to be a big brother (something he continually asked for), the Lord orchestrated the most beautiful story...and it doesn't stop there. He's still writing, and I know He has mighty big plans for this little boy. His faithfulness is constant. 

When there was a chance that Parker's arrival could fall within a week that Bryson was not with us, the Lord worked out our delivery date to fall within a week when Bryson was with us, meaning he was able to spend a whole week with his baby brother. Not only was he with us and Parker for a week, but because of the way the summer weeks and restarting of the school year rotation fell this year, we had him the day of his meet and greet with his teacher (had Parker on Tuesday, came home from the hospital on Thursday and went to Bryson's 1st grade meet and greet on Friday afternoon--nothing like this crazy, beautiful, nonstop life we live- haha!) and we also had him for his first two days of 1st grade. He was able to walk in with his little brother for his first day...our whole family was together and my heart was beyond full! 

| Great is Thy Faithfulness |


Now on to the day of delivery- As far as the birthing process went, I had everything planned out the way I wanted it for his birth. I am pro drugs...for all those mamas out there who plan to have their babies all natural with no meds, more power to you! I am not one of those...I don't see the benefit of suffering if I don't have to, but that's just how I see it. As soon as he was here, I would instantly have him on my chest for that "golden hour" of skin on skin and begin feeding him so that he would latch easily and naturally. Bryant would also be there to hold him skin on skin on his bare chest, allowing their precious bond to begin. (I think I was looking forward to those moments the most.) I don't even know why people have birthing plans in the first place...you know it's never going to go according to plan!

Labor started out as normal at 5am on July 28th. The contractions weren't anything that I imagined them to be. I guess I had heard of how horrible they were going to be & I had conjured up something much worse than what I was experiencing. Finally at 6 centimeters, the nurse advised to go ahead and get the epidural. Another piece of the labor process I had imagined being much worse than it was. I didn't even know I was getting the numbing shot and before I knew it, the anesthesiologist had the epidural in and I was back laying down. After a little while, when I thought the contractions would begin to fade, I realized I was still feeling it all. The pain wasn't horrible by any means, but I thought the contractions would fade as the medicine kicked in. The closer it got to "push time", the more I realized something...I was feeling every bit of this labor. I remember telling my nurse, "I'm numb up here (my stomach) and I'm numb down here (my legs), but I can feel everything in between." After the 3rd dose of epidural and nothing changing it was clear I was about to start pushing with no meds. I would love to say the worst pain I experienced that day was pushing him out, but I had no idea what I was about to experience. Once he was crowning, I guess he decided he didn't want to come out any further. Dr. Simpson asked for the vacuum and placed it on his head. Still, Parker didn't budge. I don't want to be too terribly graphic within this post, but due to the urgency of getting Parker out, Dr. Simpson had to do a 3rd degree episiotomy, which normally would be fine and many women have these done...I just didn't have the meds that keep most women from the pain that comes with the procedure. It was then Dr. Simpson realized that my epidural had failed and I was feeling everything. There wasn't much that could be done at that point...our main priority was getting our baby here. I remember looking over at Bryant, asking if what just happened truly happened and began screaming for help at the top of my lungs. I thought my body was going to shut down. 

At 4:25pm, on July 28th, our miracle was born. Parker James Davis entered this world weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and perfectly healthy!

| Great is Thy Faithfulness |

After Parker was out safe, they immediately injected my leg with a pain killer to help with the pain. The problem was, because I was bleeding so much, so fast, Dr. Simpson couldn't wait for the pain to subside to begin stitching. He kept saying "baby, I'm so sorry. I can't leave you like this. It's too dangerous to wait."...once again, I felt every stitch. I remember thinking "my heart is going to stop from this pain!" I think for a few minutes, I blacked out. Next thing I remember, I heard his cry. I saw my husband looking at our beautiful baby boy. I remember reaching out to feel my son's fingers grasp around mine. It all became worth it...worth it all. 

| Great is Thy Faithfulness |

[This is my favorite part of the story] Thursday morning had arrived and both Parker and I had been released to head home. Maci, my sister, had our cart full of bags (I tend to overpack a little lot), Bryant had gone downstairs to grab the car and I was holding Parker as the nurse wheeled me out. As soon as we reached the bottom floor and exited the elevator, I heard an old, familiar tune. In the lobby, there was a pianist, a very talented musician, playing one of my all time favorite hymns. 
"Great is Thy faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needeth Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me." 
My eyes instantly filled with tears. I went back to a time, about 9 months ago, when Bryant and I were in Birmingham for Thanksgiving and I held baby Bryce (Bryant's cousin's newborn) my arms, singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" as he fell asleep (that story is laid out in this blog post if you care to read it). I remembered telling the Lord that my heart's desire was to have a baby, although He knew that well. I remembered turning over that desire to Him in that moment, trusting that He would give us a child in His timing. I didn't know at the time, but as I sat there rocking that sweet baby, singing of my God's faithfulness, I was pregnant the whole time. He had already answered that prayer...and oh what a joy that answered prayer has been! 

Our answered prayer, Parker James

As I was passing the pianist, he looked up and smiled, slightly nodding his head. I wish I could've stopped and told him what it meant to me for him to be playing that specific song at that specific time. I looked down to the little miracle; I was holding a promise in my hands...one the Lord had given to me many years ago. The Lord's faithfulness laid sleeping in my arms. 

| Great is Thy Faithfulness |

Funny story: When my dad first held Parker, the first words out of his mouth were this: "Park, the Braves called and they want you to sign, but I think we need to hold out for the Astros" (my dad signed with the minor league Astros after college, so deep down I think he'll always pull for them). This shot couldn't be more perfect for Parker's Big Daddy. 

It doesn't just stop there. The Lord gave me the most loving, compassionate and caring human being as a life partner, soul mate and lover. Bryant never once left my side or had to step away, even when some of the nurses were struggling with what was happening within the delivery room. He has held me up, literally, when I was too weak to stand. He has carried me to the bathroom and to the bed when I had no strength. He has been the very best care taker and has once again exemplified the love of Christ through his love for me and for sweet Parker. He has been the most amazing father to Bryson and Parker! To say that I am blessed to have him as my husband...well, those words just don't give him enough credit. I am proud of this life we have built together and I am so thankful for his unconditional love. 

Parker loves laying on daddy's chest

This past week has been the most beautiful and unforgettable experience of my life. The faithfulness of my King was painted on the beautiful canvas of life right before my eyes. We now have the honor and responsibility of raising our beautiful baby boy to come to recognize and trust in the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful life I've been given! 


| Great is Thy Faithfulness |